23 Oct
gluten free dough is messy, and impossible to roll out. so how do you get it in a nice thin layer for a full sheet of thin crust pizza? here’s the secret – (based on good baking tips from Emeril). 1. spray the pan liberally and that means liberally. spray, and then spray some more. […]

07 Jul
so we just got the breasts: pan roasted with sichuan peppercorns served with a kumquat chipotle sauce. who needs legs?

28 Jun
gluten-free pizza: with tomatoes, zucchini, salami, cheddar, Parmesan, zucchini blossoms stiffed with st. Andre, and avocado! the crust is made from almond meal, brown rice and quinoa flour, egg whites and the usual xanthums and tapioca starch. crispy edges too!!

09 Feb
orange on the outside and orange on the inside: posole made with pork shoulder, red chili from Chimayo and creamer potatoes.

29 Nov
dense and soft and melt in your mouth: eggs, whipping cream, kabocha pumpkin and caramelized sugar makes for a bite sized creamy snack.

29 Mar
shamrock soup: here’s a wonderful recipe from the LA Times for LA Mill’s pea soup, but what to do with the squeezings? add asiago chunks and grated parmesan cheese, olive oil (or an egg), and fry the patties up!!

27 Mar
“done” is not quite the right word, but you don’t need teeth to eat it: pork shoulder braised for hours in soy sauce, wine, ginger, maple syrup, sichuan peppercorns, scallions, garlic, cilantro and chili peppers. YUM!

06 Jan
The land of the malleable: comes from cooking duck confit, rhymes with “cat.”

16 Dec
The bake sale went great, thanks to the MOCA staff who showed up in force, to Morgan Fisher who brought cupcakes (which sold like hotcakes), Allan Sekula for documenting the whole thing and buying up a large portion of the Allen McCollum works, Christopher Knight for writing it up so well and to Judy Fiskin […]

15 Dec
++ follow cheesed and fromaged on twitter for live updates and photos ++ ARTISTS’ BAKE SALE FOR MOCA: TUESDAY 12-2pm (Because of the rain we are rescheduling the bake sale to Tuesday, December 16.) MOCA needs tens of millions of dollars, and we want to get the ball rolling – the day the board meets – […]
Category: food