14 Dec
and so, last week it’s raining like a mini-el niƱo and we take the pups to the park. we have the place to ourselves, more or less, and are having a great time… the four of us are trouncing around and MO spots a flock of pigeons, then bolts after them. In pursuit, after breaking up […]
29 Nov
dense and soft and melt in your mouth: eggs, whipping cream, kabocha pumpkin and caramelized sugar makes for a bite sized creamy snack.
there is a port called php52, and so . . . sudo port install apache2 sudo port install php52 +apache2 +mysql5-server +pear +sqlite sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist sudo port install phpmyadmin and all the normal stuff that goes with it: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/20410 http://2tbsp.com/content/install_apache_2_and_php_5_macports http://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/MAMP http://bangpound.org/node/7548 http://drupal.org/node/360605 etc . . .
02 Jun
say hello to La Casa Maia and thanks to Aardvark Letterpress
Yearly Archives: 2009