23 Mar


filed in: foodphoto


It’s about time: When you get tired of paying too much money for rhomboidal pieces of cold waffle served with unripe strawberries it’s time to raid the piggy bank. We’re still testing our recipes, but we like the ones with sourcream. The skin of the waffle should be crispy, without incurring a crispy sound. There should be a difference in texture between biting through the walls of the squares and biting through the squares. It shouldn’t be so fluffy that it feels like you’re eating air; each bite should feel like a warm handshake—the kind where you’re not sure whether you still have the other person’s hand in yours or not. In addition to sourcream, here’s a few other things:

  • melted butter
  • you have to separate the eggs and beat the whites until stiff
  • fold the egg whites in carefully
  • don’t save the batter, just eat all the waffles.

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